Stock statuses
You can run multiple websites from a single instalaltion each with it's own settings, posts, products that can also share common content. Easily organize your website into separate subdomains like sho
Tax rates
You can run multiple websites from a single instalaltion each with it's own settings, posts, products that can also share common content. Easily organize your website into separate subdomains like sho
Migrating to a different hosting
Vvveb is very easy to migrate, Copy the vvveb folder to your new server. For MySql and Pgsql databases you need to export the database and import it on your new website. If you use mysql dump then y
Length classes
Length classes are used to define the unit for product measurments when entering product specifications this in turn can used for shipping purposes. By default both International System of Units and I
Region group
Region groups are used to group multiple regions that can be used for taxes or shipping, for example if you want to deliver certain products only to some parts of a country or add a tax.
Length class
Length class are used to define the unit for product measurments when entering product specifications this in turn can used for shipping purposes. By default both International System of Units and Imp
Weight class
Weight classes are used to define the unit for product weight when entering product specifications this in turn can used for shipping purposes. By default both International System of Units and Imperi
Order status
Configure order statuses to suit your order management, a common default list is configured by default.