To install Vvveb download the zip from

  • Unpack the zip and upload the contents to your server, you can use FTP or Cpanel
  • Create a new database in Mysql (MariaDb) you can do this from PhpMyadmin or from your hosting Cpanel admin, skip this step for Sqlite.
  • Optional, only for manual configuration. configure apache or nginx webserver, skip this step for xampp, shared hosting or cpanel.
  • Open the address of your website (eg: localhost) and the installation wizard will show

You can also install with Docker

Step 1 - Database configuration

Enter database details created on previous step Vvveb Install Screen Database

Step 2 - User and Site Information

Enter your email and password that you will use to login to your website. Vvveb Install Screen Admin Info

Secure install

For best security it's recommended to set your web server (apache/nginx/lightspeed) document root to /vvveb/public/ folder instead of default /vvveb/ root folder.

In this way only one php file index.php is exposed to the public minimizing the surface attack area and keeping plugin files away from public access thus avoiding potential plugin vulnerabilities.

To prevent brute force attacks for your admin login page it's recommended to change the default admin login path to a random text, this option works only if document root is set to public.


To install from command line run cli.php from root folder with correct arguments

php cli.php install module=index host= user=root password= database=vvveb admin[email] admin[password]=123456

Subdirectory install

You need to edit env.php and set V_SUBDIR_INSTALL as the subdirectory name, for example if installed in /vvveb folder you need to set it to

defined('V_SUBDIR_INSTALL') || define('V_SUBDIR_INSTALL', '/vvveb');

If you are using apache you need to update .htaccess line 42 and /public/.htaccess line 43 and add the subdirectory/ path before index.php

RewriteRule ^ vvveb/index.php [L]

How to install with xampp/wampp

If you don't want to manually install and configure apache/nginx and php with mysql you can use Xampp or Wampp
You can also find nginx.conf for nginx and .htaccess for apache in the root folder if you configure your webserver manually.

"Install Xampp