

The name of your page


The slug is unique for the page and is used to generated the url that points to the page. The slug will be generated automatically from the name but you can change it if you wish. It should not contain punctuation marks and spaces, use - or _ to separate words.


Content of the page


Depending on template used this might not be visibile, by default is not visible.

Meta description and Meta keywors

This content is used for search engines.

Depending on template used this image can be visible or not, usually pages don't have featured media visible.

Open in page editor

With this action you can edit the content of the page inside the page builder exactly how is displayed to users.

Page options

Publish date

Unlike posts publish date is not visible on frontend and is used only internally.


Only with publish the page is visible on the frontend.


If you wish your page to have a different layout you can select a different theme template, for example for contact page you can use a template with a contact form.